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One of the many unsung heroes of the last World War is, without a doubt, Eva Picard né Roeper-Bosch. Yet she remained silent about these events for most of her life, so much so that when, after the early 1980s, Dutch authorities finally sought for surviving participants in the Dutch Resistance during the war, they were unable to find any Roeper-Bosches, though they knew well enough that three members of this family had been centrally involved.
Yoshitaro Roeper-Bosch, her much-loved older brother, just months after flying to London as a reserve lieutenant and adjutant to Queen Wilhelmina, while setting up the Dutch Government-in-Exile in London, began to send friends over the Chanel to the family home on the coast of The Hague, arranging there a safe house from which agents could be sent on to organise resistance and espionage activities. He was shot down over France the following year.
Surviving Gestapo imprisonment, heavy bombing and years of living in hiding, Eva emerged from the war eager to put Europe and her memories behind her. Marriage and emigration to South Africa, two daughters and after some years, a happy and fulfilled second marriage to the historian and writer, Hymen Picard, Eva lived a long and fulfilled life.
Enrolling her younger daughter at the new Waldorf School in Rondebosch, Cape Town, the couple were surprised to find Hymen’s old friend and fellow POW from Indonesia, who introduced them to the Anthroposophical work there. This was to bring new meaning and understanding into Eva’s life until, at the age of 96, she lived her last months at a beautiful home in Silvermine, Cape Town. It was there that I was able to interview her over a succession of days and gain access to what she had herself written down for her daughter Diana – the story that forms the substance of this book.
Am Sankt Beatenberg da brannte die Regina
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Kultureller Rassismus, Anthroposophie und die Integration der südafrikanischen Waldorfschulen
Herausgegeben durch Arfst Wagner im Lohengrin-Verlag, Tetenhusen
ISBN: 978-0993316920
Das Buch kann über den Lohengrin-Verlag bestellt werden:
Buchauszug: kult-rassismus-flyer-key
Integrating South Africa’s Waldorf Schools – A Brief History With a Discussion on Cultural Racism and Anthroposophy
Download abstract here: Integration-SA Waldorf.pdf
Available on as a paperback or for Kindle
Janine Hurner – Spirit in a Foreign Land
Janine Hurner (1925 – 1994) was one of the influential early pioneers of the Waldorf schools and Anthroposophy in South Africa. Her devotion to the uncompromising humanist principles of truth, compassion and love, have left their mark on hundreds of lives she touched.
Raised in Zürich in a simple working class environment, she immigrated to the Congo at twenty-one. Her search for spiritual truth and wisdom brought her to Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy, which she internalised through study and meditation. Her ability to mediate and keep the peace kept the movement together through turbulent times. The teachers she trained and mentored, that have gone on to train hundreds of others all over Africa, and the school she founded, are all part of the legacy she left behind.
Deutsche Ausgabe
Janine Hürner (1925 – 1994) war eine der einflussreichsten Pioniere der Waldorfschulen und Anthroposophie in Südafrika. Ihre kompromisslose Hingabe an die humanistischen Idealen von Wahrheit, Mitleid und Liebe haben entscheidend das Leben von hunderten von Menschen bewogen.
In Zürich in einfachen Verhältnissen aufgewachsen, wanderte sie mit 21 mit ihrem Mann in den Belgischen Kongo aus. Die Suche nach geistiger Wahrheit und Weisheit brachte sie zur Anthroposophie Rudolf Steiners die sie in Meditation und Studium verinnerlichte. Sie vormochte es oft taktvoll zwischen Menschen durch die turbulenten Zeiten zu vermitteln und den Frieden zu wahren. Die Kindergärtnerinnen und Lehrer die bei ihr praktiziert und gelernt haben, bildeten viele andere aus, die heute überall in Afrika tätig sind, und die Schule, die sie in Durban gründete besteht noch heute als Vermächtnis ihres Wirkens
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