Over the years I have given a large number of workshops at conferences, training centres and on individual invitation. No workshop is ever the same as the one before, as they are all interactive and depend on the questions and needs of the respective group. Here is a list of the subjects and scope:
Globalisation, Identity and Social Initiative
The final ten years of the last century brought into international political reality what had long been prepared as the Neo-Liberal economic plan. The WTO, TTIP, the World Bank and other international institutions have created a world dominated by the principle of private property ownership and free trade. Never in the course of history have the inequalities between people been so great, with over a billion people having nothing at all, and 1% of the world’s population owning the bulk of its assets. Added to this is the ruthless exploitation of our natural environment leading to desertification, climate change, enormous water shortages, the dying away of species and other issues that threaten to bring humanity itself to extinction.
The workshop is directed mainly at young people who feel the need to become active, to do something positive in regard to these problems. Interactive, based on the actual questions and prior information the participants bring with them, it should give some idea of how the system works and what initiative is possible.
Download Course Programme: globalisation-and-identity
On an Unconditional Basic Income
Working through the ideas of the Basic Income to reach a practical understanding of how it could work. Viewing and discussion of extracts from the Film “The Basic Income – a Cultural Impulse”
Course Programme: workshop-basic-income
Sense-free Thinking and the Experience of the Thinking Self
Based on Rudolf Steiner’s Philosophy of Freedom, the workshop leads systematically through the steps outlined by him to a direct perception of the thinking self.
Course Programme: programme-sensefree-thinking
The Forces of Life
Through discussion, artistic activity and observation, participants try to gain personal understanding and perception of Rudolf Steiner’s theories on the Life or Etheric Forces.
Course Programme: the-forces-of-life-programme
The Psychology of Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner’s understanding of the human soul in its development and nature differ in many ways from those of his contemporaries and from those in our time. The workshop explores the fundamental differences of his views.
Course Programme: rudolf_steiner_psychology
Biography workshop – 5 days.
This is a process through each individual biography of a group of 3 – 4 people. It includes:
The chronological Events of our life and its division into identifiable Chapters
The developmental Phases of our life
The Themes with which each of us has to deal
Our Relationships to the people around us
Our Options for the future
Decision making and planning First Steps for the future
Download Outline of Programme: biography-workshop-programme-outline